Class Dates

    public class Dates
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Detail

      • dates

        public static LocalDateArbitrary dates()
        Create an arbitrary that generates instances of LocalDate. All generated dates use the Gregorian Calendar, even if they are before October 15, 1582. By default, local dates with years between 1900 and 2500 are generated.
        a new arbitrary instance
      • datesAsCalendar

        public static CalendarArbitrary datesAsCalendar()
        Create an arbitrary that generates instances of Calendar. The time of a generated instance will always be 00:00 GMT.
        a new arbitrary instance
      • datesAsDate

        public static DateArbitrary datesAsDate()
        Create an arbitrary that generates instances of Date. The time of a generated instance will always be 00:00 GMT.
        a new arbitrary instance
      • years

        public static YearArbitrary years()
        Create an arbitrary that generates instances of Year.
        a new arbitrary instance
      • months

        public static Arbitrary<java.time.Month> months()
        Create an arbitrary that generates instances of Month.
        a new arbitrary instance
      • daysOfWeek

        public static Arbitrary<java.time.DayOfWeek> daysOfWeek()
        Create an arbitrary that generates instances of DayOfWeek.
        a new arbitrary instance
      • daysOfMonth

        public static Arbitrary<java.lang.Integer> daysOfMonth()
        Create an arbitrary that generates days of month as Integer.
        a new arbitrary instance
      • yearMonths

        public static YearMonthArbitrary yearMonths()
        Create an arbitrary that generates instances of YearMonth.
        a new arbitrary instance
      • monthDays

        public static MonthDayArbitrary monthDays()
        Create an arbitrary that generates instances of MonthDay.
        a new arbitrary instance
      • periods

        public static PeriodArbitrary periods()
        Create an arbitrary that generates instances of Period.

        By default a period will be between -1000 and 1000 years

        a new arbitrary instance