Package net.jqwik.api

Klasse Assume


@API(status=STABLE, since="1.0") public class Assume extends Object
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    static void
    that(boolean condition)
    If condition does not hold, the current property method will be aborted, i.e., it will not be executed but not counted as a try.
    static void
    that(Supplier<Boolean> conditionSupplier)
    If condition provided by conditionSupplier does not hold, the current property method will be aborted, i.e., it will not be executed but not counted as a try.

    Von Klasse geerbte Methoden java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Methodendetails

    • that

      public static void that(boolean condition)
      If condition does not hold, the current property method will be aborted, i.e., it will not be executed but not counted as a try.

      Assumptions are typically positioned at the beginning of a property method.

      A failing assumption in an example test (annotated with Example or having a single try) will be reported as a skipped test.

      condition - Condition to make the assumption true
    • that

      public static void that(Supplier<Boolean> conditionSupplier)
      If condition provided by conditionSupplier does not hold, the current property method will be aborted, i.e., it will not be executed but not counted as a try.

      Assumptions are typically positioned at the beginning of a property method.

      conditionSupplier - supplier for condition to make assumption true