Package net.jqwik.api

Schnittstelle Reporter

@API(status=MAINTAINED, since="1.4.0") public interface Reporter
An interface that can be used to report additional information for a test element, i.e. a test container or property.

To get access to a reporter object, just add a parameter of type Reporter to the property method or any lifecycle method.

Reporting additional test information is a JUnit 5 platform feature. Some tools will output this information to stdout; other tools, e.g. Gradle as of version 6, ignore it. That's why jqwik prints this information to stdout itself unless told otherwise.

  • Methodendetails

    • publishValue

      void publishValue(String key, String value)
      Publish some value under a given key.
      key - a String
      value - a String
    • publishReport

      void publishReport(String key, Object object)
      Publish a report about object under a given key.

      This uses the same mechanism used for jqwik's failure reporting.

      key - a String
      object - any object
    • publishReports

      void publishReports(String key, Map<String,Object> objects)
      Publish reports about objects under a given key.

      This uses the same mechanism used for jqwik's failure reporting.

      key - a String
      objects - a map of objects the key of which is used to enumerate them