Klasse Histogram

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@API(status=EXPERIMENTAL, since="1.3.0") public class Histogram extends Object implements StatisticsReportFormat
A statistics report format to display collected statistics entries as a histogram
  • Konstruktordetails

    • Histogram

      public Histogram()
  • Methodendetails

    • formatReport

      public List<String> formatReport(List<StatisticsEntry> entries)
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: StatisticsReportFormat
      Return a list of report lines. Often, one line will represent one entry but that must not necessarily be the case.
      Angegeben von:
      formatReport in Schnittstelle StatisticsReportFormat
      Gibt zurück:
      All report lines. No trailing `CR` or `LF` characters are needed.
      Siehe auch:
    • maxDrawRange

      protected int maxDrawRange()
      Determine how many block characters are maximally used to draw the distribution. The more you have the further the histogram extends to the right.

      Can be overridden.

      Gibt zurück:
      A positive number. Default is 80.
    • comparator

      protected Comparator<? super StatisticsEntry> comparator()
      Determine how entries are being sorted from top to bottom.

      Can be overridden.

      Gibt zurück:
      A comparator instance.
    • label

      protected String label(StatisticsEntry entry)
      Determine how entries are being labelled in the histogram.

      Can be overridden.

      entry -
      Gibt zurück:
      A non-null string
    • cluster

      protected List<Histogram.Bucket> cluster(List<StatisticsEntry> entries)
      Cluster entries into buckets.

      Override if entries should be aggregated into buckets to display in histogram.

      entries - An already sorted list of entries
      Gibt zurück:
      A sorted list of buckets
    • labelColumnHeader

      @API(status=EXPERIMENTAL, since="1.3.8") protected String labelColumnHeader()
      Change the displayed name of the label column
      Gibt zurück:
      the string to show as header of the column