Interface LocalDateTimeArbitrary

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface LocalDateTimeArbitrary
    extends Arbitrary<java.time.LocalDateTime>
    Fluent interface to configure the generation of local date time values. All generated date times use the Gregorian Calendar, even if they are before October 15, 1582. By default, local date times with years between 1900 and 2500 are generated.
    • Method Detail

      • between

        default LocalDateTimeArbitrary between​(java.time.LocalDateTime min,
                                               java.time.LocalDateTime max)
        Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated local date time values. If you don't explicitly set the precision and use min/max values with precision milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds, the precision of your min/max value is implicitly set.
      • atTheEarliest

        LocalDateTimeArbitrary atTheEarliest​(java.time.LocalDateTime min)
        Set the allowed lower min (included) bounder of generated local date time values. If you don't explicitly set the precision and use min/max values with precision milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds, the precision of your min/max value is implicitly set.
      • atTheLatest

        LocalDateTimeArbitrary atTheLatest​(java.time.LocalDateTime max)
        Set the allowed upper max (included) bounder of generated local date time values. If you don't explicitly set the precision and use min/max values with precision milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds, the precision of your min/max value is implicitly set.
      • ofPrecision

        LocalDateTimeArbitrary ofPrecision​(java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit ofPrecision)
        Constrain the precision of generated values. Default value: Seconds. If you don't explicitly set the precision and use min/max values with precision milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds, the precision of your min/max value is implicitly set.