Package net.jqwik.time.api.arbitraries
Interface PeriodArbitrary
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface net.jqwik.api.Arbitrary
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description PeriodArbitrary
between​(java.time.Period min, java.time.Period max)
Set the allowed lowermin
(included) and uppermax
(included) bounder of generated period.-
Methods inherited from interface net.jqwik.api.Arbitrary
allValues, array, asGeneric, collect, dontShrink, edgeCases, edgeCases, edgeCases, exhaustive, exhaustive, filter, fixGenSize, flatMap, forEachValue, generator, generator, generatorWithEmbeddedEdgeCases, ignoreException, injectDuplicates, injectNull, iterator, list, map, optional, optional, sample, sampleStream, set, stream, tuple1, tuple2, tuple3, tuple4, tuple5, withoutEdgeCases
Method Detail
PeriodArbitrary between​(java.time.Period min, java.time.Period max)
Set the allowed lowermin
(included) and uppermax
(included) bounder of generated period.