Package net.jqwik.api

Schnittstelle RandomDistribution

@API(status=MAINTAINED, since="1.3.0") public interface RandomDistribution
Determines how generated numerical values are generated and distributed across the allowed range and a center withing this range.

Since all random numeric value generation is going back to BigDecimal generation this interfaces uses only values of type BigDecimal.

The generation of an arbitrary's edge cases is not influenced by the distribution.

Siehe auch:
  • Methodendetails

    • biased

      static RandomDistribution biased()
      A distribution that generates values closer to the center of a numerical range with a higher probability. The bigger the range the stronger the bias.
      Gibt zurück:
      a random distribution instance
    • uniform

      static RandomDistribution uniform()
      A distribution that generates values across the allowed range with a uniform probability distribution.
      Gibt zurück:
      a random distribution instance
    • gaussian

      static RandomDistribution gaussian(double borderSigma)
      A distribution that generates values with (potentially asymmetric) gaussian distribution the mean of which is the specified center and the probability at the borders is approximately borderSigma times standard deviation.

      Gaussian generation is approximately 10 times slower than biased() or uniform() generation. But still, except in rare cases this will not make a noticeable difference in the runtime of your properties.

      borderSigma - The approximate factor of standard deviation at the border(s)
      Gibt zurück:
      a random distribution instance
    • gaussian

      static RandomDistribution gaussian()
      A gaussian distribution with borderSigma of 3, i.e. approximately 99.7% of values are within the borders.
      Gibt zurück:
      a random distribution instance
      Siehe auch:
    • createGenerator

      @API(status=INTERNAL) RandomDistribution.RandomNumericGenerator createGenerator(int genSize, BigInteger min, BigInteger max, BigInteger center)
      Return a generator that will generate value with the desired distribution
      genSize - The approximate number of values to generate. Can be influenced by callers.
      min - The minimum allowed value (included)
      max - The maximum allowed value (included)
      center - The center for the distribution. Must be within min and max.
      Gibt zurück:
      generator for randomly generated BigInteger values