Package net.jqwik.web.api
Schnittstelle EmailArbitrary
Fluent interface to configure arbitraries that generate valid email addresses.
By default only standard emails of the form username@domain.tld
are generated.
Other options like quoted local parts and ip addresses as host can be switched on.
Verschachtelte Klassen - Übersicht
Von Schnittstelle geerbte verschachtelte Klassen/Schnittstellen net.jqwik.api.Arbitrary
Modifizierer und TypMethodeBeschreibungAllow IPv4 addresses in the host part.Allow IPv6 addresses in the host part.Allow the local part of an email to be quoted within " characters.Von Schnittstelle geerbte Methoden net.jqwik.api.Arbitrary
allValues, array, asGeneric, collect, dontShrink, edgeCases, edgeCases, edgeCases, exhaustive, exhaustive, filter, filter, fixGenSize, flatMap, forEachValue, generator, generator, generatorWithEmbeddedEdgeCases, ignoreException, ignoreException, ignoreExceptions, ignoreExceptions, injectDuplicates, injectNull, isGeneratorMemoizable, iterator, list, map, optional, optional, sample, sampleStream, set, stream, tuple1, tuple2, tuple3, tuple4, tuple5, withoutEdgeCases
EmailArbitrary allowQuotedLocalPart()Allow the local part of an email to be quoted within " characters.- Gibt zurück:
- new instance of arbitrary
EmailArbitrary allowIpv4Host()Allow IPv4 addresses in the host part.- Gibt zurück:
- new instance of arbitrary
EmailArbitrary allowIpv6Host()Allow IPv6 addresses in the host part.- Gibt zurück:
- new instance of arbitrary