
data class IntRangeArbitrary(min: Int, max: Int, minSize: Int, maxSize: Int) : ArbitraryDecorator<IntRange> , SizableArbitrary<IntRange>


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constructor(min: Int, max: Int, minSize: Int, maxSize: Int)


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open fun <A : Any> array(p0: Class<A>): ArrayArbitrary<IntRange, A>
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@API(status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.6.0")
inline fun <T, A : Any> Arbitrary<T>.array(): ArrayArbitrary<T, A>

Create a new arbitrary of type Array using the existing arbitrary for generating the elements of the array.

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@API(status = API.Status.INTERNAL)
open fun asGeneric(): Arbitrary<Any>
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fun between(min: Int, max: Int): IntRangeArbitrary
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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.3.0")
open fun collect(p0: Predicate<in MutableList<out IntRange>>): Arbitrary<MutableList<IntRange>>
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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.4.0")
open fun dontShrink(): Arbitrary<IntRange>
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@API(status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.3.0")
open fun edgeCases(): EdgeCases<IntRange>
@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.8.0")
open fun edgeCases(p0: Consumer<EdgeCases.Config<IntRange>>): Arbitrary<IntRange>
open override fun edgeCases(p0: Int): EdgeCases<IntRange>
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@API(status = API.Status.INTERNAL)
open fun exhaustive(): Optional<ExhaustiveGenerator<IntRange>>
open override fun exhaustive(p0: Long): Optional<ExhaustiveGenerator<IntRange>>
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open fun filter(p0: Predicate<in IntRange>): Arbitrary<IntRange>
@API(status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.7.0")
open fun filter(p0: Int, p1: Predicate<in IntRange>): Arbitrary<IntRange>
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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.2.0")
open fun fixGenSize(p0: Int): Arbitrary<IntRange>
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open fun <U : @Nullable Any> flatMap(p0: Function<in IntRange, out Arbitrary<U>>): Arbitrary<U>
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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.1.2")
open fun forEachValue(p0: Consumer<in IntRange>)
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@API(status = API.Status.INTERNAL, since = "1.4.0")
open fun generator(p0: Int, p1: Boolean): RandomGenerator<IntRange>
open override fun generator(p0: Int): RandomGenerator<IntRange>
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open override fun generatorWithEmbeddedEdgeCases(p0: Int): RandomGenerator<IntRange>
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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.3.1")
open fun ignoreException(p0: Class<out Throwable>): Arbitrary<IntRange>
@API(status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.7.3")
open fun ignoreException(p0: Int, p1: Class<out Throwable>): Arbitrary<IntRange>
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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.7.2")
open fun ignoreExceptions(vararg p0: Class<out Throwable>): Arbitrary<IntRange>
@API(status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.7.3")
open fun ignoreExceptions(p0: Int, vararg p1: Class<out Throwable>): Arbitrary<IntRange>
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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.3.0")
open fun injectDuplicates(p0: Double): Arbitrary<IntRange>
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open fun injectNull(p0: Double): Arbitrary<@Nullable IntRange>
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open override fun isGeneratorMemoizable(): Boolean
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open operator fun iterator(): IteratorArbitrary<IntRange>
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open fun list(): ListArbitrary<IntRange>
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open fun <U : @Nullable Any> map(p0: Function<in IntRange, out U>): Arbitrary<U>
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open override fun ofMaxSize(maxSize: Int): IntRangeArbitrary

Set upper size boundary maxSize (included).

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open override fun ofMinSize(minSize: Int): IntRangeArbitrary

Set lower size boundary minSize (included).

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open override fun ofSize(size: Int): IntRangeArbitrary

Fix the size (the difference between first and last value of a range).

Set min and max size (the difference between first and last value of a range).

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open fun optional(): Arbitrary<Optional<IntRange>>
@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.5.4")
open fun optional(p0: Double): Arbitrary<Optional<IntRange>>
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@API(status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.6.0")
fun <T> Arbitrary<T>.orNull(nullProbability: Double): Arbitrary<T?>

Create a new arbitrary of the same type but inject null values with a probability of nullProbability.

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@API(status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.6.0")
fun <T> Arbitrary<T>.pair(): Arbitrary<Pair<T, T>>

Create a new arbitrary for type Pair using the existing arbitrary for generating the elements of the pair.

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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.3.0")
open fun sample(): IntRange
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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.3.0")
open fun sampleStream(): Stream<IntRange>
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@API(status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.6.0")
fun <T> Arbitrary<T>.sequence(): SequenceArbitrary<T>

Create a new arbitrary of type SequenceArbitrary using the existing arbitrary for generating the elements of the sequence.

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open fun set(): SetArbitrary<IntRange>
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open fun stream(): StreamArbitrary<IntRange>
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@API(status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.6.0")
fun <T> Arbitrary<T>.triple(): Arbitrary<Triple<T, T, T>>

Create a new arbitrary for type Triple using the existing arbitrary for generating the elements of the triple.

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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.3.0")
open fun tuple1(): Arbitrary<Tuple.Tuple1<IntRange>>
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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.3.0")
open fun tuple2(): Arbitrary<Tuple.Tuple2<IntRange, IntRange>>
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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.3.0")
open fun tuple3(): Arbitrary<Tuple.Tuple3<IntRange, IntRange, IntRange>>
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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.3.0")
open fun tuple4(): Arbitrary<Tuple.Tuple4<IntRange, IntRange, IntRange, IntRange>>
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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.3.3")
open fun tuple5(): Arbitrary<Tuple.Tuple5<IntRange, IntRange, IntRange, IntRange, IntRange>>
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@API(status = API.Status.MAINTAINED, since = "1.8.0")
open fun withoutEdgeCases(): Arbitrary<IntRange>
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open override fun withSizeDistribution(distribution: RandomDistribution): SizableArbitrary<IntRange>