Package net.jqwik.time.api.arbitraries
Schnittstelle PeriodArbitrary
Fluent interface to configure the generation of period values.
Verschachtelte Klassen - Übersicht
Von Schnittstelle geerbte verschachtelte Klassen/Schnittstellen net.jqwik.api.Arbitrary
Modifizierer und TypMethodeBeschreibungSet the allowed lowermin
(included) and uppermax
(included) bounder of generated period.Von Schnittstelle geerbte Methoden net.jqwik.api.Arbitrary
allValues, array, asGeneric, collect, dontShrink, edgeCases, edgeCases, edgeCases, exhaustive, exhaustive, filter, filter, fixGenSize, flatMap, forEachValue, generator, generator, generatorWithEmbeddedEdgeCases, ignoreException, ignoreException, ignoreExceptions, ignoreExceptions, injectDuplicates, injectNull, isGeneratorMemoizable, iterator, list, map, optional, optional, sample, sampleStream, set, stream, tuple1, tuple2, tuple3, tuple4, tuple5, withoutEdgeCases
Set the allowed lowermin
(included) and uppermax
(included) bounder of generated period.