Schnittstelle StringArbitrary

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@API(status=MAINTAINED, since="1.0") public interface StringArbitrary extends Arbitrary<String>
Fluent interface to configure arbitraries that generate String values.
  • Methodendetails

    • ofMaxLength

      StringArbitrary ofMaxLength(int maxLength)
      Set the maximum allowed length maxLength (included) of generated strings.
      Löst aus:
      IllegalArgumentException - if maxLength < 0 or maxLength < min length
    • ofMinLength

      StringArbitrary ofMinLength(int minLength)
      Set the minimum allowed length minLength (included) of generated strings. This will also set the max length of the string if minLength is larger than the current max length.
      Löst aus:
      IllegalArgumentException - if minLength < 0
    • ofLength

      default StringArbitrary ofLength(int length)
      Fix the length to length of generated strings.
      Löst aus:
      IllegalArgumentException - if length < 0
    • withChars

      StringArbitrary withChars(char... chars)
      Allow all chars in chars to show up in generated strings. Can be combined with other methods that allow chars.
    • withChars

      @API(status=MAINTAINED, since="1.2.1") StringArbitrary withChars(CharSequence chars)
      Allow all chars in chars to show up in generated strings. Can be combined with other methods that allow chars.
    • withCharRange

      StringArbitrary withCharRange(char from, char to)
      Allow all chars within from (included) and to (included) to show up in generated strings. Can be combined with other methods that allow chars.
    • ascii

      Allow all ascii chars to show up in generated strings. Can be combined with other methods that allow chars.
    • alpha

      Allow all alpha chars to show up in generated strings. Can be combined with other methods that allow chars.
    • numeric

      StringArbitrary numeric()
      Allow all numeric chars (digits) to show up in generated strings. Can be combined with other methods that allow chars.
    • whitespace

      StringArbitrary whitespace()
      Allow all chars that will return true for Character.isWhitespace(char). Can be combined with other methods that allow chars.
    • all

      Allow all unicode chars even noncharacters and private use characters but only in plane 0 (aka Basic Multilingual Plane)
    • excludeChars

      @API(status=MAINTAINED, since="1.5.1") StringArbitrary excludeChars(char... charsToExclude)
      Exclude all charsToExclude from generated strings
      charsToExclude - chars to exclude
      Gibt zurück:
      new instance of arbitrary
    • withLengthDistribution

      @API(status=EXPERIMENTAL, since="1.5.3") StringArbitrary withLengthDistribution(RandomDistribution lengthDistribution)
      Set random distribution distribution of length of generated string. The distribution's center is the minimum length of the generated list.
    • repeatChars

      @API(status=MAINTAINED, since="1.5.3") StringArbitrary repeatChars(double repeatProbability)
      Set the probability for repeating chars within the string to an approximate probability value.

      Setting @code{repeatProbability} to 0.0 will generate strings with unique chars, i.e., it is equivalent to calling uniqueChars().

      repeatProbability - Must be between 0 (included) and 1 (excluded)
    • uniqueChars

      @API(status=EXPERIMENTAL, since="1.8.0") StringArbitrary uniqueChars()
      Prevent character from having duplicates within the generated string.