Schnittstelle InstantArbitrary

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@API(status=EXPERIMENTAL, since="1.5.4") public interface InstantArbitrary extends Arbitrary<Instant>
Fluent interface to configure the generation of instant values. All generated instants use the Gregorian Calendar, even if they are before October 15, 1582. By default, instants with years between 1900 and 2500 are generated. Max possible year is 999_999_999.
  • Methodendetails

    • between

      default InstantArbitrary between(Instant min, Instant max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated instant values. If you don't explicitly set the precision and use min/max values with precision milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds, the precision of your min/max value is implicitly set.
    • atTheEarliest

      InstantArbitrary atTheEarliest(Instant min)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) bounder of generated instant values. If you don't explicitly set the precision and use min/max values with precision milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds, the precision of your min/max value is implicitly set.
    • atTheLatest

      InstantArbitrary atTheLatest(Instant max)
      Set the allowed upper max (included) bounder of generated instant values. If you don't explicitly set the precision and use min/max values with precision milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds, the precision of your min/max value is implicitly set.
    • dateBetween

      InstantArbitrary dateBetween(LocalDate min, LocalDate max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated local date values.
    • yearBetween

      InstantArbitrary yearBetween(Year min, Year max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated year values. The years can be between 1 and Year.MAX_VALUE.

      Calling this method is equivalent to calling dateBetween(LocalDate, LocalDate) assuming Jan 1 and Dec 31 as first and last day of those years.

    • yearBetween

      default InstantArbitrary yearBetween(int min, int max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated year values. The int values can be between 1 and Year.MAX_VALUE.

      Calling this method is equivalent to calling dateBetween(LocalDate, LocalDate) assuming Jan 1 and Dec 31 as first and last day of those years.

    • monthBetween

      InstantArbitrary monthBetween(Month min, Month max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated month values.
    • monthBetween

      default InstantArbitrary monthBetween(int min, int max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated month values. The int values can be between 1 and 12.
    • onlyMonths

      InstantArbitrary onlyMonths(Month... months)
      Set an array of allowed months.
    • dayOfMonthBetween

      InstantArbitrary dayOfMonthBetween(int min, int max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated day of month values. The int values can be between 1 and 31.
    • onlyDaysOfWeek

      InstantArbitrary onlyDaysOfWeek(DayOfWeek... daysOfWeek)
      Set an array of allowed daysOfWeek.
    • timeBetween

      InstantArbitrary timeBetween(LocalTime min, LocalTime max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated local time values. If you don't explicitly set the precision and use min/max values with precision milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds, the precision of your min/max value is implicitly set.
    • hourBetween

      InstantArbitrary hourBetween(int min, int max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated hour values. The hours can be between 0 and 23.
    • minuteBetween

      InstantArbitrary minuteBetween(int min, int max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated minute values. The minutes can be between 0 and 59.
    • secondBetween

      InstantArbitrary secondBetween(int min, int max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated second values. The minutes can be between 0 and 59.
    • ofPrecision

      InstantArbitrary ofPrecision(ChronoUnit ofPrecision)
      Constrain the precision of generated values. Default value: Seconds. If you don't explicitly set the precision and use min/max values with precision milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds, the precision of your min/max value is implicitly set.