Package net.jqwik.time.api.arbitraries
package net.jqwik.time.api.arbitraries
SchnittstellenKlasseBeschreibungFluent interface to configure the generation of date values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of date values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of duration values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of instant values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of local date values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of local date time values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of local time values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of month and day values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of offset date time values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of offset time values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of period values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of Year values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of year and month values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of zoned date time values.Fluent interface to configure the generation of zone offset values.