Schnittstelle OffsetTimeArbitrary

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@API(status=EXPERIMENTAL, since="1.5.1") public interface OffsetTimeArbitrary extends Arbitrary<OffsetTime>
Fluent interface to configure the generation of offset time values.
  • Methodendetails Linksymbol

    • between Linksymbol

      default OffsetTimeArbitrary between(LocalTime min, LocalTime max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated time values. If you don't explicitly set the precision and use min/max values with precision milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds, the precision of your min/max value is implicitly set.
    • atTheEarliest Linksymbol

      OffsetTimeArbitrary atTheEarliest(LocalTime min)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) bounder of generated time values. If you don't explicitly set the precision and use min/max values with precision milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds, the precision of your min/max value is implicitly set.
    • atTheLatest Linksymbol

      OffsetTimeArbitrary atTheLatest(LocalTime max)
      Set the allowed upper max (included) bounder of generated time values. If you don't explicitly set the precision and use min/max values with precision milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds, the precision of your min/max value is implicitly set.
    • hourBetween Linksymbol

      OffsetTimeArbitrary hourBetween(int min, int max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated hour values. The hours can be between 0 and 23.
    • minuteBetween Linksymbol

      OffsetTimeArbitrary minuteBetween(int min, int max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated minute values. The minutes can be between 0 and 59.
    • secondBetween Linksymbol

      OffsetTimeArbitrary secondBetween(int min, int max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated second values. The minutes can be between 0 and 59.
    • offsetBetween Linksymbol

      OffsetTimeArbitrary offsetBetween(ZoneOffset min, ZoneOffset max)
      Set the allowed lower min (included) and upper max (included) bounder of generated offset values. The offsets can be between -12:00:00 and +14:00:00.
    • ofPrecision Linksymbol

      OffsetTimeArbitrary ofPrecision(ChronoUnit ofPrecision)
      Constrain the precision of generated values. Default value: Seconds. If you don't explicitly set the precision and use min/max values with precision milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds, the precision of your min/max value is implicitly set.